Interval Inversion
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In music, the verb invert means to move the lowest note in a group an octave higher.
In this lesson, we will be inverting intervals.
For our first example, let's invert a perfect fifth: C to G.
To invert this interval, move the lowest note (the C) an octave higher.
The result is a perfect fourth: G to C.
Next, let's invert a perfect fourth: F# to B.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a perfect fifth: B to F#
Perfect intervals will always invert to other perfect intervals.
Fourths and fifths will invert to each other.
Let's invert a major third: C to E.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a minor sixth: E to C.
Let's invert a minor third: E to G.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a major sixth: G to E.
Minor intervals and major intervals invert to each other.
Thirds and sixths invert to each other.
Let's invert a major seventh: C to B.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a minor second: B to C.
Seconds and sevenths invert to each other.
Finally, diminished and augmented intervals invert to each other.
To demonstrate this, let's invert an augmented fourth: C to F#.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a diminished fifth: F# to C
Use this chart to quickly invert intervals.
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In music, the verb invert means to move the lowest note in a group an octave higher.
In this lesson, we will be inverting intervals.
For our first example, let's invert a perfect fifth: C to G.
To invert this interval, move the lowest note (the C) an octave higher.
The result is a perfect fourth: G to C.
Next, let's invert a perfect fourth: F# to B.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a perfect fifth: B to F#
Perfect intervals will always invert to other perfect intervals.
Fourths and fifths will invert to each other.
Let's invert a major third: C to E.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a minor sixth: E to C.
Let's invert a minor third: E to G.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a major sixth: G to E.
Minor intervals and major intervals invert to each other.
Thirds and sixths invert to each other.
Let's invert a major seventh: C to B.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a minor second: B to C.
Seconds and sevenths invert to each other.
Finally, diminished and augmented intervals invert to each other.
To demonstrate this, let's invert an augmented fourth: C to F#.
Move the lowest note an octave higher.
The result is a diminished fifth: F# to C
Use this chart to quickly invert intervals.
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