An odd meter is a meter which contains both simple and compound beats.
The first odd meter that we will discuss is 5/8 time. It contains one simple beat and one compound.
The order of the beats does not matter. If the compound beat comes first, it is still 5/8 time.
Next, we will discuss odd meters with three total beats.
7/8 time contains two simple beats and one compound beat.
Again, the order of the beats does not matter.
The compound beat can even be positioned between two simple beats.
8/8 time contains two compound beats and one simple beat.
Sometimes, people confuse 8/8 with 4/4, since both have 8 eighth notes.
Sometimes, people confuse 8/8 with 4/4, since both have 8 quavers.
Notice that 4/4 groups the measure into four beats of two eighth notes (simple quadruple), while 8/8 groups it into three odd beats.
Notice that 4/4 groups the measure into four beats of two quavers (simple quadruple), while 8/8 groups it into three odd beats.
Our last two odd meters have a total of four beats.
10/8 time has two compound beats and two simple beats.
11/8 time has three compound beats and one simple beat.